Monthly Archives: September 2011

Busy Life or something else?



At times there are so many notifications in my phones. Usually I will clear them as soon as possible, clear means reply to them. Ya, no matter how busy am I because I hate my message not being replied at all. By the way, I am not showing off as there is nothing to show off as well. If you want so many notifications, go and grab some attentions in FB or twitter, how? You don’t need me to teach you, learn from Alvis Kong.


When mood strike, what I want is just a peaceful moment to clear my mind. So usually I will keep all these notifications aside and attend to them later.

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Facebook Hoax Messages

Recently I’m seeing a lot of people posted at their Facebook status saying that if you don’t copy and paste the same status to your wall, you will be charged or your account will be disabled / deleted.

A lot of people never think twice before reposting the status and i don’t know why. Is it they really scared that their FB account being disabled or charged? Since you keep worrying people stalk you from FB, why are you still worry about this? Have the account deleted better, right? To me, by all means go ahead if FB gonna to do so.

Just now I saw this very sarcastic status, for those who never think properly and thought that the account deletion hoax is true… Make sure you follow the instructions below carefully to prevent your expensive undergarments being stolen:

Facebook will begin stealing your undergarments at midnight tonight if you don’t copy & paste this message in the next 37 seconds, forward it to everyone in your mailing list, print a hard copy for your grandmother & call your third grade teacher. This is real. I got the message first hand from Elvis who was having lunch with Bigfoot, while riding the Loch Ness monster. It was even on the inside back cover of every tabloid in the grocery store checkout line. Not only will Facebook start charging you tomorrow, they are also going to bill your credit card for the past 3 years of services. Luckily, each person who copies & pastes this status will receive a FREE unicorn in the mail tomorrow. However, if you don’t repost this status, Facebook code has been set up to automatically set your computer on fire & harm an innocent bunny in the forest! It’s all true, it was on the news!

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Tumblr and Personal Blog

I have been “struggling” to use tumblr or my personal blog site. From privacy point of view, I will prefer to use my personal blog as it doesn’t support followers like in tumblr. I have RSS feed in my personal blog for people to subscribe and to “stalk” on me. Doesn’t it sound like a bit contradicting to myself? I don’t want to use tumblr because I scared people stalk on all my updates but on the other hand I allow RSS feed in my personal blog. OK, anyway, just a feeling.

WordPress engine supports password protection per blog post or all posts. This makes me want to stay with my personal one, just in case I need it one day?

Don’t worry, I will still be updating my tumblr with all the pictures sync from my instagram posting. It is still active.

Therefore, if you would like to see more photos, please go to While you like to read more on my daily life and thoughts, go to

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Micro Blogging

With twitter and facebook statused, they moved us and the world to another trend that we named it “micro blogging” and in Chinese they call it weibo hence the birth of Anyway, I am not here to introduce twitter, facebook, weibo or any social networking tools. I am just telling you all that besides updating my twitter and facebook status (I don’t have a weibo yet), I am going to make use of the blog that I have here.

The reason of writing here is because twitter has very limited character size for me to write about anything with it’s only 140 characters. I keep telling my friends that a SMS message can write more than a tweet (160 characters).

Never think that FB status has unlimited character size. They have limit too, if I am not wrong, it is around 400 characters. Well, at least, you can use it to write a paragraphed, still better than twitter.

Whenever there is idea or something pop up in my mind, instead of writing in twitter, I am going to write it in my blog and it is going to be a short one (oh yeah, will definitely be longer than in FB and twitter). So I am going to name it and categorized it under micro blogging section.

Stay tuned for more updates here. Smile

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Facebook Apps v3.5 for iPhone

There is a new release of the facebook apps (version 3.5) for iPhone with some bugs fix. As you can read from the screen capture below, what are the bugs they have fixed it.


FB Apps Updates


As usual after each release of facebook apps, it will never fix certain bugs and in fact introduce more errors. Take a look at the screen shot below, some users (yes, only to some users) saw 2 same photos icon on the screen.

FB Apps Icons

The only solution is to delete it and install again from Apps Store. If you still can’t get this resolve and you have jailbroken your phone, congratz… please go to installous and download the previous version.


The most significant upgrade is the status update interface. If you do use some twitter apps, the interface looks like it which is good. Now the interface comes with more features (not just plain text like last time) such as tagging / mentioning friends, set your location and etc. See the screen shot below.


FB Apps Status


You can also “like” people’s comments which you can’t find this in the previous apps.


Please be warned that if you do use the face forward patch in iPad, please do not upgrade this apps because the patch will make the application freeze. You might want to wait for the face forward developer to come out a new version or wait until FB officially release it for iPad. I think only God knows when is this going to happen.

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Customer Experience from McD

On one fine morning, my brother and I was thinking to go for McDonald breakfast because it has been a long time since we have been there.

When we arrived, the queue wasn’t long and I’m just behind 2 persons. After waited for around 5 mins, I was greeted by the cashier and I placed my order. A receipt has been printed out and placed on the tray and pushed aside, so follow the tray, I queue at one side to wait for my food while she served the next customer.

I have waited for 20 mins and the burger wasn’t there yet. I told the cashier about this and she did a follow up for me, another beautiful 10 mins gone and finally I saw the burger.

Went to a table and I was ready to take my long waited “fast food”, guess what? To my surprise I saw the burger bread wasn’t prepared properly and has been tear off, as if someone has taken a bite of it.

Except the food, they have even run out of tomato sauce. They have staff standing there to watch every customer was trying hard to squeeze and hopefully a little bit of the sauce can come out but none of the staff there come and refill the bottle.

Definitely this is a very bad customer experience with McDonald.



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